
Knowledge Exchange Funding Opportunities

We are committed to having a significant impact on the economy, society and wider world around us and are constantly seeking funding opportunities to enable us to do this effectively, to foster an exchange of knowledge and insights between the business community, our academics, students and alumni.

Perhaps you are an individual or SME looking to grow and develop a new product or service with experts at the cutting edge of research? Or maybe you are a larger business seeking to increase your competitive advantage and annual profitability? Perhaps you have an business concept or idea but need additional skills, time and knowledge to bring your project to life? The KTP scheme utilises Academic and Graduate expertise to support this growth and innovation plans.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

Do you want to grow your company, explore and develop new strategic and commercial avenues but need additional skills, time and knowledge? Knowledge Transfer Partnerships introduce you to the right knowledge and expertise. Click the boxes below to find out more about how KTP's can help your business.

It is a collaboration between three partners: a University Academic (the Knowledge Base Partner), a recent graduate or post-graduate (the Associate) and the company.  The three partners work together to reach the objectives of a specific business project which is delivered by the Associate being based at your business.  The KTP applications are structured into themed calls to enable you to plan your application and when the project will fit best into your business.

KTPs can come from any sector or industry – from technology and the creative industries through to environmental technologies. With the help of a dedicated KTP adviser, you can find the right academic to suit your business. You can then shape a collaborative project that will enable your business to draw on this expertise and apply it commercially.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is a UK-wide programme, funded by Innovate UK. It helps businesses to improve innovation, competitiveness and productivity through better use of the knowledge, technology and skills available within universities and other parts of the UK knowledge base. 

To provide a strategic deliverable for your company, which you could not deliver independently without the injection of expertise from the university (or from consultancy elsewhere)

Provide a fast track career start for a talented KTP Associate: who can be  at graduate, Masters or PhD level.

Focus the university on keeping and extending their expertise in the applied fields, which are the focus of the project, and to enhance their teaching and research. Partnerships can last from one to three years. KTPs are available to companies of all size who then help the University select the Associate.

Your company acquires new knowledge which is firmly and sustainably embedded in your business, typically resulting  an increase in annual profit before tax,  on average, of £366,000  and further commercial benefits from the application of  new Intellectual Property (Source: Innovate UK.)

Opportunity to employ Associate at the end of the KTP; 64% of Associates accept the offer of a job with their KTP company. 

Every £1 of the KTP grant invested results in £8 of net extra Growth Value Added (GVA) to the UK economy.

Depending on the size of your business, you could be eligible for up to 67% funding towards a KTP if you are a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME).  This works out as approximately £27,000 per annum  cost to the business, which covers the graduate’s salary, training, academic consultancy and some money for travel and project materials.  For larger companies, the funding is 50%, approximately £40,000 cost to them per Annum.  

Your payments may well be eligible for R&D Corporation Tax Credits.

The Associate is employed by the University, but works in your company.  It de-risks your recruitment process and doesn’t affect your headcount.  Once the KTP has finished, you can employ the Associate permanently or in a consultancy type of role, it’s flexible to your requirements. 

KTP Associate vacancies are appeal to a  large number of recent  University graduates and post Graduates, so you have access to a wide pool of talent.

The KTP programme has inbuilt management development and training, making it a competitive option for talented people looking to commence  or accelerate their careers.

A UK wide programme that has been helping businesses for 40 years so it is tried, tested and successful.

The application process is undertaken with support from the University and the Knowledge Transfer Adviser from Innovate UK.  Currently the success rate of proposals is 85%. Many companies go on to  access further support from the government or university as a result of the KTP experience.

There are a number of sector and “open” competition deadlines a year so please get in touch and we can advise the timing for your specific project idea or alternative ways of working with the 爱豆社区 if a KTP does not fit your business need.

For more information on how to apply visit , or contact ktp@uos.ac.uk.

The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme helps businesses in the UK to innovate and grow. It does this by linking them with an academic or research organisation and a graduate known as an associate. The scheme can last between 12 and 36 months, depending on what the project is and the needs of the business.

Key Benefits for a KTP Associate:

  • After the KTP has completed, most associates become employed by the company
  • Associates have 10% of their time for personal development, with a 2k pa budget for this (including the management training with the same company)
  • The competitive salary and opportunity for a higher degree during the project.
  • Development of a new product that could be the first of its kind in the marketplace.
  • Academic support throughout the duration of the project.
  • Corporate company benefits and attendance at key events to showcase the new project.
  • Working in an area that is of interest to you and having individuals who share the same interest.

For more information please email our KTP Manager.